If you have an arranged employment and are planning to work or already are working in Canada, we can help you with the following:

  • Get your initial work permit
  • Exchange or change the conditions on your work permit
  • Find out how to work as an international student and/or how to apply for a post-graduation work permit to stay in Canada after you graduate
  • Travel and work in Canada as a youth
  • Apply through the International Experience Class
  • Advise on the work options for caregivers and Live-in Caregiver program
  • Apply through the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP)

Most foreign nationals need a work permit to work in Canada. Depending on your situation, we can assist you on either Employer Specific Work Permit or Open Work Permit.

If you are a Canadian Employer and looking to hire a foreign national to work for your company, our team can help you with an LMIA application.